News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Martian salad: Researchers conduct experiments to give astronauts access to fresh vegetables
Having succeeded at the task of raising lettuce in space-like conditions, Norwegian researchers are now designing planters that can grow beans aboard a spaceship. This will give astronauts the ability to cultivate plants during trips between Earth and Mars. Astronauts miss life on Earth. They enjoy anything that reminds them of their home planet. Not only will they […]
By Edsel Cook
Just because a planet has oxygen, doesn’t mean it has signs of life
The presence of oxygen in the atmosphere of a planet might no longer be considered a reliable indicator of the potential presence of organic life. Researchers recently demonstrated that they could create oxygen and organic compounds in models of planetary atmospheres without resorting to the chemical processes that give rise to life on Earth. Thousands of exoplanets have been found during […]
By Edsel Cook
New research finds that the brains of fruit flies work similarly to advanced computer algorithms
Fruit flies and computers apparently follow the same thinking process when it comes to analyzing unknown information. A new study indicated that computer algorithms could take some hints from the way flies identify new smells. A fly can swiftly determine whether or not it has smelled an odor before. Based on the familiarity of the scent, the insect determines […]
By Edsel Cook
Making better solar panels with graphene
Solar energy will benefit from the latest discovery regarding the pure form of a supermaterial. American researchers have found a way to enhance the charge and energy flow of graphene, which in turn can be applied to devices that harvest light. Graphene is made up of carbon atoms that are arranged in a hexagonal lattice. […]
By Edsel Cook
We are now a step closer to harnessing nuclear fusion
A fusion reactor built out of unsafe and unreliable parts might as well be called a thermonuclear bomb. Aware of this problem, European researchers paired together different imaging techniques to make a dual-imaging system that can accurately determine the quality of the reactor components before final assembly. Practical nuclear fusion is not just about replicating the process […]
By Edsel Cook
New non-destructive method helps experts measure salt content in concrete structures and prevent damage
Japanese researchers came up with a new way to determine the amount of destructive salt that has accumulated in a concrete structure. They bombarded a structure with neutrons, causing the salt crystals in the material to give off detectable reactions. Infrastructure gets worn out from the passage of time, human usage, and exposure to natural […]
By Edsel Cook
Drones can take birdwatching to the next level
Aerial drones are being touted as a much better way to watch over endangered species in the wilderness. U.K. researchers recently suggest sending out drones with thermal-sensing cameras that can spot the well-camouflaged specimens and hidden nests of the European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus). While numerous in overall number and still common throughout most of Europe, this species is growing increasingly rare […]
By Edsel Cook
Research team creates a variety of eco-friendly battery shapes using 3D printing technology
Researchers from South Korea have tapped additive manufacturing techniques and environment-friendly materials to develop a plethora of new batteries. These new energy storage devices can be printed in the right shape and size, so they can fit even the smallest and oddest-shaped wearable electronics. There is an increasing number of flexible electronics and wireless devices that are […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers use laser holograms to trap and control tiny objects the size of single cells
Perspective matters. A narrow beam of light will barely warm your skin, but it will exert an irresistible grip on objects that are mere micrometers or nanometers in diameter. South African researchers demonstrated how a laser beam can steer tiny objects the size of a single human cell. Their technique is called “holographic optical trapping and tweezing.” In addition to […]
By Edsel Cook
Lignin-nylon composite can be used as an eco-friendly 3D printing material, researchers say
Researchers have found a great use for lignin produced by bio-refining processes. By combining the woody waste product with nylon, they came up with a renewable feedstock material that can be used by 3D printers to manufacture eco-friendly products. Lignin comprises a good percentage of the mass of a plant. It is responsible for the rigidity of a plant’s cell walls. […]
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