News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Steel found to have “fingerprints” which could help researchers detect tampered parts
It turns out that steel possesses the magnetic equivalent of a “fingerprint” that changes from sample to sample. Even products drawn from the same batch of raw materials and made using the exact same techniques will display different and unique magnetic fingerprints. Researchers believe they could use this property to identify and authenticate the steel items. Officials who enforce […]
By Edsel Cook
Novel smart material can respond dynamically to its environment
Researchers from Brown University have built a new smart material that combines the strength of graphene oxide and the oil-repelling ability of an alginate hydrogel. Not only is the material is stronger than pure alginate — the base material for many biomedical devices — but it can also change its attributes according to the state of its environment. Alginate is […]
By Edsel Cook
MIT engineers have created a “Sun in a box” which stores renewable energy to be used on demand
The new renewable energy storage method devised by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a proper technical name. But many call it “Sun in a box” because of its conceptual resemblance to the giant ball in the sky that provides the Earth with seemingly unlimited amounts of energy. Just like the Sun, the Thermal Energy Grid […]
By Edsel Cook
New camera helps people “see” the invisible using high-frequency waves
Delaware-based researchers have come up with the next best thing to having Superman’s X-ray vision. Their new device can produce millimeter waves that penetrate opaque solids and reveal the objects obscured by the obstacle, much like how an X-ray machine shows the internals of the body. Millimeter waves occupy a band of frequencies ranging from 30 to 300 […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers unlock the extraordinary potential of graphene
There is a good reason why graphene has failed to live up to its hype as a revolutionary “supermaterial,” Australian researchers revealed. They found that silicon contaminants in the graphite raw material are to blame for its under-performance – and if the impurities can be eliminated, graphene can finally attain its true power as an electronics […]
By Edsel Cook
Scientists discover first synthetic material that THICKENS as it is stretched
After nearly four decades of hard work, researchers have finally been able to come up with an artificial material that does not get thinner when it is forced to stretch. Instead, it is the first synthetic that actually gets thicker thanks to the property of auxetic stretching. Auxetics are materials and structures that do the […]
By Edsel Cook
New artificial “robot nose” could soon replace dogs for sniffing out narcotics and explosives
That well-trained and fluffy K9 dog deployed by your local police or military unit might one day be replaced by an “electronic nose.” What’s more, that scent sensor will use living cells grown and harvested from mice genes – and just the DNA, mind you, no actual animals required. Researchers from Duke University (Duke) acquired the genes of mice that had been […]
By Edsel Cook
China plans on building its very own “Atlantis” undersea military base
China is planning to cement its presence in the South China Sea by building an undersea base that will support unmanned military and scientific submarines. This underwater Atlantis is going to be the first colony that is completely run by artificial intelligence. This ambitious plan started when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited a deep sea research in Hainan […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers develop a new type of nano computer chip that uses transistors made from AIR
Transistor technology got a much-needed speed upgrade thanks to Australian researchers. Their experimental nano-sized computer chip doesn’t have any silicon in it. Instead, the space normally occupied by semiconductor material is left open to air. Electrons that go through those air gaps move much faster than they do through silicon. They can reach velocities that are possible only […]
By Edsel Cook
Next-gen material self-lubricates whenever pressure is applied
Have you ever wondered why the skin of earthworms are always free of dirt despite living in soil? Germany-based researchers explained that the worms are coated in a layer of lubricant that repels dirt from their skin. Furthermore, they have copied this natural self-lubricating ability in an artificial polymer. The new material is designed to generate thick layers […]
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