News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Researchers find an elegant solution for improving the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are set to become much safer and last far longer thanks to a neat solution devised by Cornell engineers. An article in Newswise states that the innovation will revitalize this particular type of rechargeable battery, which has pretty much peaked in terms of performance. Professor Lynden Archer of Cornell University (Cornell) explained that […]
By Edsel Cook
New approach could make invisibility cloaking a very real idea
Researchers have found a new way to make something truly invisible to sight. An article in Science Daily describes a new technology that changes the color of light waves as they go through an object, preventing it from giving off reflections or distortions that would reveal the cloaked object. Its developers claim that their approach […]
By Edsel Cook
Chemists design a new bacterial polymer that may one day replace petroleum plastics
One of the ways to solve the problem of plastic pollution is to come up with biodegradable alternatives that are made from bio-renewable resources using clean processes. Such products are usually more expensive and difficult to manufacture than petroleum-based plastics. Colorado-based researchers announced that they found a way to produce one bacterial polymer much more […]
By Edsel Cook
Virtual reality could help people get over their fear of public speaking
The fear of public speaking can prevent otherwise brilliant people from sharing potentially valuable ideas with the world. In a News Wise article, Texan researchers propose that this debilitating fear can be overcome through the use of virtual reality technology. Public speaking is considered to be one of the greatest and most common fears for […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers develop a fuel cell from lignin, a byproduct of paper manufacturing
A waste product of the paper industry may become a source of renewable fuel in the near future, an article in Science Daily states. Swedish researchers have come up with a new fuel cell that runs on lignin. Lignin is very widespread in nature. It serves as the glue that holds together the cellulose fibers […]
By Edsel Cook
Wind power on Mars is a “feasible” idea, concludes new study
Looks like there is another good long-term source of power for Martian exploration vehicles aside from a nuclear reactor. Danish researchers reported that Mars has enough wind to generate useful levels of power, an article in stated. The Aarhus University (AU) research team started looking into the feasibility of wind power on Mars in late 2010. […]
By Edsel Cook
Astrophysicist claims that aliens are racing against dark energy, capturing stars from other galaxies, reeling them in, and harvesting their resources
If there are any advanced aliens out there, proposed a recently-published paper by an American researcher, they would be racing against the constant expansion of the universe that is caused by dark matter. An article in Live Science described how these aliens would go so far as to stealing stars from other galaxies before those […]
By Edsel Cook
New technology enables scientists to generate energy from live bacteria
Researchers have come up with a new and natural way to harvest energy from the sun. Instead of creating a more efficient solar panel or photovoltaic material, they devised a means of getting electricity from photosynthetic cyanobacteria, an article in News Wise reported. This family of microorganisms is often found in lakes, seas, and other areas that […]
By Edsel Cook
U.S. Navy wants to create a new type of “omniphobic” coating, a material that is clear, durable, can repel water and reduce friction drag
The U.S. Navy wants a slick new material that can shed any liquid or semi-liquid that comes into contact with it. When applied as a coating to the hulls of ships and submarines, the “omniphobic” material will immensely reduce friction drag, allowing the sea-going craft to travel faster without using as much energy or fuel, […]
By Edsel Cook
Scientists push the boundaries of additive manufacturing like never before
Special molecules that are triggered by the presence of light and other gentle stimuli are steadily seeing more uses in applications aside from adaptive eye-wear. British researchers found a way to print out these photochromic molecules using a cheap 3D printer, an article in Alpha Galileo stated. Thanks to the proven capabilities of the 3D […]
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