News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
“Air-con” clothes? Scientists develop cooling fabric inspired by the comet moth
Silkworms may have a new competitor when it comes to producing refreshingly cool and bright-looking silk fabrics. The fibers spun by wild Madagascar comet moths look much more vivid and feel much cooler on the skin. An article in Newswise reports that research engineers have created artificial materials based on these fibers to replicate their cooling […]
By Edsel Cook
Scientists can track water deep underground by studying diamond impurities
Crystallized water impurities in diamonds offer the first solid proof that there are pockets of liquid water located deep in the mantle of the Earth, according to a report published in ScienceDaily. A research team from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) found a rare kind of crystallized water called Ice-VII inside diamonds that had come […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers develop tiny robots that are able to blend into bee colonies and interact with them
European researchers have designed autonomous robots that will be accepted by real animals. According to a Your Is article, these robot bees and fish can investigate, understand, and even influence the animals. The robot bees will expand current understanding of pollinators, which occupy immensely important roles in the ecosystem. Bees and other pollinators support biodiversity by promoting the reproduction of […]
By Edsel Cook
Research team finds a way to cheaply create nanotubes made from carbon dioxide extracted out of the air
Potentially toxic carbon dioxide can now be transformed into invaluable carbon nanotubes. In a Science Direct article, researchers from Tennessee have reported creating a prototype device that can absorb CO2 from the air and turn it into “black gold.” Carbon nanotubes possess a strength that exceeds steel and a conductivity superior to commonly used copper. […]
By Edsel Cook
Cool science: Ruthenium is the fourth element discovered to have unique magnetic properties at room temperature
The exclusive club of single elements that display ferromagnetism at room temperatures now has a new member. Minnesota-based researchers reported that ruthenium can have magnetic properties in ambient temperature, an article in Science Daily states. Ferromagnetism is a form of magnetism wherein the material creates permanent magnets or are drawn towards magnets. Until recently, only three […]
By Edsel Cook
Next-gen devices could operate not on electricity or batteries but on LIGHT
A future generation of electronic devices could do away with the need for batteries or the local power grid by drawing energy from light. And by “light,” the joint research group working on these devices means all forms of light, not just sunlight, a Nano Werk article states. Such devices can dispense with the need […]
By Edsel Cook
Isolated magnesium shows all the promise of its gold and silver cousins with none of the drawbacks
Texan researchers have successfully synthesized an isolated form of plasmonic magnesium nanoparticles, an article in Nano Werks has reported. Not only do these tiny particles possess the same plasmon-emitting capabilities as their gold, silver, and aluminum equivalents, but they also avoid the pitfalls of their more expensive counterparts. The new nanoparticles are the handiwork of […]
By Edsel Cook
Researchers develop AI system that can design and assemble themselves
It is worrisome enough that humans are programming artificial intelligence (AI) systems that might one day be able to think for themselves. Now, an article in Alpha Galileo states that U.K. researchers want to give the AI the ability to design, build, and reprogram itself in order to exceed the performance of human-designed systems. The […]
By Edsel Cook
Atlas, the “world’s most dynamic humanoid”, is able to run, hop, bend, and move just like a real person
The mythical Atlas is a strong but stupid Titan who is forced to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders as punishment for fighting against the Greek gods. Boston Dynamics’ much more unnerving Atlas is a humanoid robot that can bend, hope, move, and run like a human being, a Live Science article stated. Built […]
By Edsel Cook
MISSING PHYSICS: Researchers attempt to find particles that escaped the world’s largest particle accelerator
Several physicists are urging the construction of a new facility to supplement the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The particle detectors will hunt for long-lived particles that have escaped the biggest particle accelerator ever built, an article in Science Daily stated. The LHC is a huge ring of superconducting magnets built underground in the French-Swiss border. It […]
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