News & Articles By Edsel Cook
By Edsel Cook
Prove you’re HUMAN: Real-time Captcha technique relies on human answers to unusual questions
In a happy marriage of old Captcha and new biometric techniques, researchers have devised a new verification methodology called Real-Time Captcha. It presents real-time puzzles that will throw artificial intelligence for a loop and protect the accounts of human users, reported a ScienceDaily article. Real-Time Captcha is a logical evolution of current biometric techniques based on facial photos […]
By Edsel Cook
In the near future, paint colors may be grown from bacteria
In the future, the paint applied to a wall or sprayed on a car body might feature bacterial colonies that can change color according to your liking or lighting, suggested a NanoWerk article. This development is possible thanks to British researchers who unlocked the genes responsible for many bright and vivid colors Mother Nature likes […]
By Edsel Cook
DISCOVERY: Egg whites the “missing link” for low-cost production of clean hydrogen fuel
Eggs have long been a delicious and fulfilling source of energy for groggy people who need protein in their stomach. But now, a Japanese research team suggested that egg whites can be used to make a clean-burning fuel for power generation, reported Science Daily. Study leader Hiroyasu Tabe of the Osaka City University said hydrogen shows promise […]
By Edsel Cook
Russia’s new “future soldier” armor looks like something straight out of a video game
Some people say the late, great techno-thriller writer Tom Clancy had an uncanny knack for predicting the future. But perhaps even he didn’t foresee Russia’s new “future soldier” concept, which looked like it plagiarized a video game featuring Clancy’s brand name, reported the Daily Mail. The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia recently tweeted a graphic of a futuristic Russian soldier covered from […]
By Edsel Cook
Photon torpedoes and light sabers closer to becoming reality as scientists create new form of light
We may be getting closer to the day when we finally see if a light saber can stop a photon torpedo. That’s because American researchers have succeeded in getting photons to interact and combine with each other to create what is essentially a new form of light, reported an MIT News article. Photons are elementary […]
By Edsel Cook
SpaceX plan to launch internet beaming satellites is moving forward
Following the successful maiden flight of the world’s most powerful operational rocket and its infamous Tesla Roadster payload, SpaceX announced that the the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has approved Elon Musk’s bid to establish a massive network of satellites that can broadcast Internet services anywhere on the globe, reported The Daily Mail. Chairman Ajit Pai of the FCC has indicated […]
By Edsel Cook
New thermoelectric technology harvests power from temperature fluctuations
Massachusetts researchers have invented the first of a new breed of thermoelectric devices, reported Science Daily. Dubbed the “thermal resonator,” it can generate electricity from its surroundings on a 24/7 basis for years. Thermoelectric devices convert heat from sunlight into electricity. A thermal resonator, on the other hand, taps the regular shifts in temperature that take place throughout […]
By Edsel Cook
“Smart” homes of the future replacing role of biological PARENTS, thanks to creepy new Google patent for Big Brother system
The latest idea from Google goes beyond mere Orwellian Big Brother into full-blown automated robotic parenting. The company is planning a series of smart home technologies that will keep an eye on children and discipline them in lieu of their actual parents, warned an article from The Daily Mail. Google filed a patent involving a smart […]
By Edsel Cook
Can Ford’s proposed autonomous “Robocop” car be trusted not to shoot innocent civilians?
What happens when Robocop meets Knight Rider’s KITT? You get Ford’s latest brainchild, a plan for an automated police car that’s either an abuse of privacy and power or the future of unbiased law enforcement, reported The Daily Mail. A recent patent filed by the automaker specifies the concept of an autonomous vehicle that lurks […]
By Edsel Cook
China’s “megadrone” is world’s first autonomous aerial vehicle, carries passengers at 80 mph during test flights
Automakers dream about driverless cars. Chinese company EHang one-ups them with its one-man flying megadrone, reported The Daily Mail. Footage released by the Chinese drone maker show their EHang 184 “autonomous aerial vehicle” zipping through the air at 80 mph (130 kph) with a live person aboard its sleek cabin. EHang claimed that single and two-seat versions of its […]
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