Are traffic lights set to become a thing of the past? They very well could be in a future where …
A study published on the Nature Physics website revealed that the human body is covered on the inside with soft, microscopic carpets of …
Your sweat may one day keep your wearable devices running as scientists have recently developed stretchable fuel cells that extract energy …
Flat tires and weak rubber bands may very soon become a thing of the past as researchers from the Harvard John A. …
Advancements in nanotechnology and synthetic biology could usher in new diagnostic technologies that may kill cancer cells or switch off …
For several years now, there has been a vigorous and ongoing debate in this country regarding the ethics of gene …
A team of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, University of Auckland, and Oregon State University has recently developed a catalyst that …
A set of innovative filters were found to eliminate up to 99 percent of heavy metals in contaminated water. The filters, …
In the Marvel comic books, Steve Rogers is a character that transforms from a rather weak and skinny man into …
Yes, all the “science” sellouts are screaming because President Trump is beginning to dismantle the corrupt EPA and the insidious …